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The United States Postal Service

Mail. You know, that thing that people used to send before cell phones, email and social media took over as our main forms of communication? Despite what you may think, people still send and receive good ol' fashioned mail.


The USPS is still going strong - more than 250 years later. They continue to deliver your bills, junk mail and the occasional birthday card from Grandma. But online you can find memes, viral tweets and beautiful images of your local post office. See more of our work featured on BuzzFeed and Instagram.

Creative Leads: Maddie Stevens, Emma LeMay

Art: Kate Lee, Abbey Shelley, Cauy Nelson, Brooke Lockerman, Dani Gish

Copy: Anna Kennedy, Johnny Constable, Julius Johnson, Robert Schneider

Oversight: Dane Rahlf, Alejandro Rosado, Tony Avila, Jess Phelan

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